The Genitals

"The Genitals" series is a profound and thought-provoking collection, inspired by the enduring impact of the surrealist masterpiece "The Rape" by René Magritte (1929). This iconic work stirred a deep contemplation about the lasting power and symbolism of such imagery, even a century later.

In an artistic endeavor to broaden and redefine this concept, the series ambitiously encompasses a vast array of living and fantastical human forms. This inclusive approach artistically democratizes all bodies, placing them on an equal footing. The central theme of this series is a celebration of diversity in its myriad forms, affirming the right of every unique existence to be freely represented and respected.

This series is not just an artistic expression but a bold statement on canvas, paper, or any chosen medium, offering a space where diversity is not only acknowledged but also exalted in its rightful glory.